1. Best Materials for Bathroom Wallpaper
Lets start with different wallpaper materials and which are most suitable for bathrooms. There are different type of wallpapers such as vinyl wallpaper and vinyl-coated wallpapers available. However, wallpaper material in Livette's Wallpaper is non-woven PVC and vinyl-free and printed with GreenGuard Gold certified inks. The design wallpaper is also moisture and water resistant as well as gently cleanable that makes it a great choice for bathroom interior where water splashes can some times get to bathroom walls. The non-woven removable wallpaper material is also not affected by temperature and humidity changes that is a crucial factor when it comes to installing wallpaper in bathrooms. In a room that changes temperature and gets too humid, paper and vinyl wallpaper can expand and contrast. Non-woven fleece bathroom wallpaper material on the other hand does not change its dimensions and shape while vinyl wallpaper could. In the photo above we can see one of the most popular wallpaper patterns Neutral Paintbrush Maze Removable Wallpaper from the Bathroom Wallpaper collection in the bathroom project by Mara & Geddy.
2. Areas to Apply Wallpaper in a Bathroom:
When it comes to applying wallpaper and the best places to consider in the bathroom, there are couple of ways to give your bathroom a modern look with bathroom wallpaper. In small spaces such as powder rooms and guest bathroom it can be a fun idea to experiment a little and use wallpaper to cover all walls for a bold statement design. Some other modern choices include creating a focal point by creating a peal and stick wallpaper accent wall. A popular choice is also to install wallpaper behind the mirror that is also a great space to pick for an accent wall as seen the bathroom project above by Taylor with the Elegant Neutral Watercolor Coral Wallpaper from the Tropical Kids Wallpaper collection. It is a great idea to cover the part above the sink with tiles as it can be an area that will get wet often and might damage the wallpaper. However, you can definitely place the wallpaper above the tiles and add some personality to the small space.
3. How to Choose a Design:
If you are thinking on the best wallpaper design choice for your bathroom interior then a fine tip is to consider a bold pattern wallpaper design for larger full baths to make an eye-catching accent wall. And for smaller bathroom spaces a tip is to pick a more minimalistic wallpaper design to achieve an elegant and uncluttered bathroom look. If the bathroom does not have a window, then choosing a lighter wallpaper design will enhance lighting and make the space feel more welcoming and lighter. As an example in the photo above we can see a beautiful blue bathroom design by Jason with the Blue Paintbrush Maze Removable Wallpaper from the Blue Wallpaper collection.
4. Installing and Sealing Wallpaper for Bathrooms:
First of all before wallpaper install it is always important to prepare the walls. The walls need to smooth and clean for the wallpaper to stick to the wall. Furthermore an important step not to forget is to apply wallpaper primer especially in bathroom environment as it will ensure a longer lasting result. When applying traditional wallpaper you will need to apply wallpaper glue or paste on the wall and slide the wallpaper panel in its position from top to bottom while smoothing the wallpaper during the process to avoid any air bubbles forming. Peel and stick wallpaper is applied by gradually pulling off the backing paper and applying the wallpaper panel from top to bottom and also smoothing the paper during the process with a soft smoothing tool. To learn more about installing traditional and peel and stick wallpaper, visit the How To Install Traditional Non Woven Wallpaper | Wallpaper 101 and How To Install Removable Wallpaper - Wallpaper 101 blog posts for more installation guidelines.
A crucial step during the wallpaper installation of any type of wallpaper especially in bathroom interior is to seal the wallpaper seams with a seam roll for them to properly stick to the wall and have a perfect finish. In high moisture environments with heat, steam and excess moisture the edges of the wallpaper that might not have stuck to the surface properly, can start to peal off and deform. This also brings us back to the importance of preparing a smooth and clean surface with a coat of wallpaper primer as wallpaper will always stick better to a wall if it is smooth and clean. If wallpaper does not stick to the wall well in a high moisture space, then it can develop mold. As long as you do not apply bathroom wallpaper near a frequently used shower, bath or a place where it can be a in a direct contact with water frequently, bathroom wallpaper is a great material to add fun and elegant patterns and design a welcoming and gorgeous powder room or bathroom interior as seen in the photo above in the black and white bathroom design by @caitinthecommons with the Black & White Pattern Removable Wallpaper from the Black And White Wallpaper collection.
5. Maintenance & Longevity:
The first step to applying wallpaper in a bathroom is to install a good ventilation system to avoid high humidity. This will extend bathroom wallpapers lifespan as good ventilation system protects wallpaper from getting wet and having a risk to peel off or deform. When it comes to bathroom wallpaper maintenance, with most variety of wallpaper materials, you can gently clean the wallpaper with a soft fabric cloth or with a soft microfiber cloth or a dry sponge. In the photo above we can see a fun bathroom design by @vantrietconstruction where he has used the Pastel Colors Terrazzo Removable Wallpaper from the Colorful Wallpaper collection to achieve an eye-catching accent wall.
6. Pros and Cons of Using Wallpaper in Bathrooms:
Pros. If the bathroom or powder room does not have windows, rather than painting it in a light color or fully covering it with tiles, applying wallpaper will not only bring a sense of more light but add a character with a beautiful design and make the space feel more welcoming an warm. If you have a rented space and want to give your dated bathroom or powder room interior a fresh look, then peal and stick wallpaper will be a great choice to add a design in pattern and color of your choice and remove the wallpaper when needed. Furthermore bathroom wallpaper allows to create an original space and play with different colors and patterns from bolder to more minimalistic designs. You can design a wow factor powder room interior with a bold wallpaper design covered walls or make a contemporary bathroom design for a relaxing and luxurious atmosphere. With wallpaper you can also add a theme of your choice in the interior. If you would like to add a sense of nature inside the room, you can choose a botanical or tropical design wallpaper and create your own personal oasis.
Cons. While in other rooms such as bedroom or living room where you would apply textured wallpaper, you would not have to worry about frequent maintenance of the wallpaper or humidity, in bathrooms you need to make sure to handle wallpaper placement consciously and not apply it next to or in the shower, bath or anywhere else that would be in direct contact with water splashes frequently. In these areas material such as tile will suit better. However, you can combine tiles with wallpaper that works very well to achieve an interesting design as seen in the gorgeous bathroom design above with the peel and stick wallpaper - Line Art Removable Wall Mural from the Black And White Wall Mural collection installed above the tiles. While wallpaper maintenance in bathrooms can feel as a downside, if you need to clean it on occassion, it is possible to do so gently with a soft sloth or dry sponge.
We hope this blog post will have inspired you for original and modern bathroom interiors with bathroom wallpaper. While one of the most popular materials for bathroom walls ir tiles, if you find the installation slightly difficult and that takes a long time, you can choose your bathroom wallpaper in a tile pattern and create a gorgeous accent wall and a focal point in the room. Remember to not make a mistake and skip proper wall preparations and adding primer, as it will make the installations process also easier and you can feel safe that the wallpaper will stick properly and have a long lasting result. If wallpapering your bathroom walls seem like a great idea, make sure to take some time and check the Bathroom Wallpaper collection for more inspiration traditional wallpaper and peel and stick wallpaper designs in different patterns.