Another favorite wallpaper design amongst our dear clients is our herringbone wallpaper & chevron wallpaper patterns. A simple and delicate design that truly transforms a space without being too overpowering. A collection featuring herringbone wall paper and chevron wall paper designs in different subtle colorways that are also customizable to match your home interior. In this collection, you will mostly see black herringbone wallpaper patterns with white background which is a classic colorway for an elegant decorating approach that will never go out of style.
Herringbone accent wall is also the hottest nursery decor trend on Pinterest, especially our Delicate Herringbone pattern wall paper in black and white! It is a great choice for gender neutral nursery interiors.
As all of our herringbone wall pattern and chevron wallpaper pattern designs are designed to be versatile and fit any room of the house - kid's room, kitchen or powder room interior settings. Shop our selection of herringbone pattern wallpaper & chevron pattern wallpaper in different shapes and forms - from geometric chevron wallpapers to watercolor style herringbone wall paper designs.
Choose which wallpaper material to go for when deciding on your chevron accent wall as we offer three - herringbone peel and stick wallpaper; traditional non-woven material for your chevron wall decorating and commercial grade type 2 wallpaper to design your dream herringbone bathroom wall.