In the world of wallpaper, we are happy to provide you with many different options for each style and taste. However, between countless design options there will always be some favorites that our clients have chosen for their projects more, making them some of our bestselling wallpapers. To show you some of the most loved wallpaper designs by our clients, here will be 5 of our bestselling wallpapers from modern line designs to gorgeous florals to capture your attention and perhaps give you some inspiration for your next wallpaper project.
Paintbrush Maze

One of our most loved wallpaper designs is the Paintbrush Maze Removable Wallpaper. Available to order in different colors and custom colors, it is a fun and eye-catching design that can give a welcoming and colorful energy to your interior. In the photo above we can see the gorgeous girls bedroom design done by Lauren from Etsy featuring the Rain Blue Paintbrush Maze Removable Wallpaper creating a very charming darling blue & pink interior color design. The color combination and interior accessories have created a very captivating and chic atmosphere to inspire from.

For some more inspiration of how versatile this wallpaper design is and its possible usage, in the photo above we can see how the Soft Paintbrush Maze Removable Wallpaper has added some pop of color and charm to this bathroom design. Avakian has created a very chic and timeless bathroom interior to inspire from by combining the soft neutral color removable wallpaper with black and wooden details that compliment each other perfectly for a very modern bathroom style where the design and colors add a sense of intimacy and warmth to the space.
London Metro Lines

Another very loved wallpaper design by our clients is the London Metro Lines Removable Wallpaper. A very fun and attention-grabbing wallpaper that is definitely going to give the interior a wow factor atmosphere and pop of color. In the bathroom project above we can see how Jacy has used the London Metro Lines Removable Wallpaper In Black And Off White to create a very bold and memorable black and white bathroom interior design.

To achieve a unique and mesmerizing interior design, using wallpaper to cover the fifth wall - the ceiling, is definitely a way to show your creativity and add a sense of luxury to your home interior. In the photo above we can see how Hammer + Harmony is showing us an example of how to dazzle your guests from the moment they enter your home, by covering the ceiling with one of our bestselling wallpaper designs - London Metro Lines Removable Wallpaper In Black And Off White for an eye-catching and chic interior design.
Delicate Floral

If looking at floral design wallpapers then the Delicate Floral Design Removable Wallpaper is one of our bestselling floral style wallpapers. The larger size delicate floral outlines are definitely giving a more minimalistic yet eye-catching design. Above we can see a very charming and light floral home office design created by Gabriella, where she has chosen the Delicate Floral Design Removable Wallpaper to give a blooming and welcoming atmosphere for a pleasant work environment.

A very popular choice of room for this wallpaper design by our clients is the kids room. By being more delicate and elegant rather than a bolder and more colorful floral wallpaper design, it can create a calming and welcoming atmosphere for kids and allow to get creative with interior decor. In the photo above we can see how Rachel has designed the kids room in a modern farmhouse style with a touch of delicate florals by wallpapering the walls with the Delicate Floral Design Removable Wallpaper.
Wildflower Foliage

Another one of our favored wallpapers by our clients is the Wildflower Foliage Removable Wallpaper For Kids Room. As neutral colored walls can give a calming mood in the room and provide a lot of space for creativity to play with other interior elements, it has been a popular choice for nursery interiors. Ashley in the photo above has created a gorgeous girls nursery interior design by choosing neutral, light colors and the Wildflower Foliage Removable Wallpaper For Kids Room to add some blooming floral pattern to the nursery walls for a timeless interior design.

Being one of our bestselling wallpaper designs, our clients have loved them in different gorgeous colors, creating unique styles. In the photo above, we can see the beautiful girls nursery interior design created by Eleni, where she has created an accent wall with the Wildflower Foliage Removable Wallpaper For Kids Room in custom colors - white and pastel. We love how the nursery design has a taste of boho theme going through and the character and warmth that the wallpaper adds to the interior.
Blue Classic Plaid Design

Our Blue Classic Plaid Design Removable Wallpaper is another one of our bestselling wallpaper designs. A very simple and elegant wallpaper design that can add a touch of pattern and character to any room. Above we can see a baby boy nursery project done by Elizabeth. We love how simplistic yet eye-catching the accent wall looks with the Blue Classic Plaid Design Removable Wallpaper in color Windy for the pattern and Linen for the background and how it compliments the room design and chosen interior details.

Above we can see another creative and beautiful usage of the bestselling wallpaper design - Classic Neutral Plaid Design Removable Wallpaper. The pattern and style of the wallpaper compliments the powder room interior design done by Amara beautifully and gives another attention grabbing detail. The black and white design together with wooden detailed furniture and decor creates a gorgeous contrast and gives a very modern and timeless bathroom design.
We hope that these bestselling wallpapers together with these gorgeous interior projects, showing different ways of using the favored wallpapers in interior design, will give you some inspiration for your next wallpaper project.
We hope that these bestselling wallpapers together with these gorgeous interior projects, showing different ways of using the favored wallpapers in interior design, will give you some inspiration for your next wallpaper project.