If you are looking for a professional solution for a commercial space or even a residential interior, our newly added commercial grade type II wallpaper material will be the right choice for an even more durable solution. It is a wall covering material widely used in commercial projects such as hotels, healthcare facilities, restaurants, retail designs, educational facilities and more. To learn more about commercial wallpaper and its perks, in this blog post we will be going through its main characteristics and why to choose commercial wallcovering.
Where Commercial Grade Wallpaper Is Used

Commercial wallpaper is a chic and a more durable solution for commercial spaces such as restaurants, hospitality facilities, healthcare facilities, business offices, beauty salons and more, as it is slightly thicker than residential wallpaper, more durable against scratches and dents and has fire and other certificates. Above we can see an example of our Line Art Removable Wall Mural from the Wall Murals collection giving an eye-catching and uplifting detail in an office space. Furthermore, commercial wallpaper can last longer than paint and instead of having a wall in one color in your restaurant, shop or any other commercial space, with commercial wallpaper you can give your space a unique, eye-catching design with plenty of patterns and color combinations to choose from to make the space pop out and attract with a chic interior look. To check out the most popular commercial spaces for commercial wallpaper usage, check out our Top 10 Projects Where To Use Commercial Wallpaper blog post.
Commercial wallpaper can also be used in residential interior design projects if you are looking for a more durable solution, however, residential wallpaper can not be used in commercial public spaces because of specific regulation the wallcovering needs to meet.
Types Of Commercial Grade Wallpaper

When it comes to commercial wallcovering, there are different grades of wallpaper to choose from. The grade determines the toughness of the commercial wallpaper material, meaning that a thicker and heavier wallpaper will be more durable against wear and tear. The weight and thickness of the commercial wallpaper is what differs between the different types of commercial wallpaper and that is the most important factor when choosing the right type of commercial wallcovering for your project. Here will be the characteristics of the three types of commercial wallpaper.
Commercial Grade Type I Wallpaper material is a more suitable option for commercial spaces that do not get lots of traffic and spaces that have a smaller risk of people accidentally bumping into the wall with different objects or knocking chairs or any other furniture against the wall. Type I is the thinnest and lightest of all three commercial wallpaper types with weight between 12 and 19 ounces per linear yard. It is the most fragile against wear and tear, therefore, it can be more suitable for spaces that have a small chance of having contact with the wallcovering, if you are looking to save some funds, as it is slightly cheaper than commercial grade type II and type III wallpaper.
Commercial Grade Type II Wallpaper material is a thicker option with a typical weight between 20 and 28 ounces per linear yard, that most businesses end up choosing because of its higher durability and longer lasting solution. Commercial type II wallpaper is the most popular option you would see in the market as it is a reliable option for public spaces that expect people leaning by the walls or accidentally knocking objects against the wall as, for example, in restaurants. Commercial wallpaper can also be made of different materials such as - vinyl wall covering, PVC-free wallcovering. Our commercial wallpaper material is PVC-free, breathable alternative to vinyl that meets Commercial Type II wallpaper characteristics as well. Above we can see a beautiful example of a bar and grill project by My Studio ID with our Simple Herringbone Removable Wallpaper In Black from the Mid-Century Modern Collection. To learn more about our newly added wallpaper solution for commercial interior design projects, visit our Commercial Grade Type II Wallpaper page.
Commercial Grade Type III Wallpaper material is the thickest commercial wallpaper option from all three with typically a weight between 33 and 36 ounces per linear yard, making it the strongest against wear and tear. In most cases it is unnecessary to spend the budget on this type of wallpaper as it can be quite expensive. However, spaces that might require commercial wallpaper to be this thick and durable can be some healthcare facilities and day cares.
Commercial grade wallpaper is created for the use in public spaces, meaning it needs to meet specific regulations when manufactured. The main question when thinking about commercial wallpaper in public spaces might be - is commercial wallpaper fireproof? Our commercial wallpaper meets the federally specified limits to flame, flash over and smoke development according to the required ASTM-E84 and NFPA-101 criteria, as well as CAN/ULC S102 for Canada and EN 13501 for EU.
It does not contain vinyl and as mentioned is PVC-free. Furthermore, our commercial wallpaper consists of 31% post consumer recycled content making it a more sustainable commercial wallcovering option. It is LOV emitting and meets California Section IAQ 1350 for air quality and is certified for Silver compliance (NSF-342). Visit our Commercial Grade Type II Wallpaper page to learn more.

While a lot of commercial wallpaper materials in the market are vinyl based, as mentioned our commercial wallpaper is a lightweight and breathable alternative to vinyl that meets Commercial Type II wallpaper characteristics and is more environmentally friendly and as mentioned before is made of 31% post consumer recycled content. It has a light canvas textured finish and is printed with GreenGuard Gold certified inks. Our commercial grade wallpaper has a slightly off-white and warmer base color when compared to our self-adhesive wallpaper material as seen above. Furthermore, our commercial grade textured wallpaper comes in 25 inch wide panels and is water-resistant and gently cleanable.
- A breathable, lightweight alternative to vinyl that meets commercial Type II wallpaper physicals
- Proprietary Polyester/Natural Fiber that consists of 31% post consumer recycled content and is PVC free
- Lightly canvas textured finish, printed with GreenGuard Gold certified inks
- Fire certifications: meets Federally specified limits for flame, smoke development and flash over according to the required ASTM-E84 and NFPA-101 criteria, as well as CAN/ULC S102 for Canada and EN 13501 for EU
- Water-resistant, gently cleanable*
How To Hang Commercial Grade Wallpaper
Our commercial wallpaper is installed using wallpaper paste or glue. We strongly recommend using adhesives and primers that are designed for permeable wallcovering that contain mildew inhibitors. An option for such permeable adhesive and primers with advanced mold and mildew protection is by manufacturer such as Roman and Zinsser.

Using a brush or a roller, the glue or paste needs to be applied to the whole back of the wallpaper panel and then booked to soak and rest for 10 minutes. Slide the first panel in position starting from the top and afterwards using a flexible and soft smoothing tool, smooth the paper from any air bubbles that might have formed. Continue with the next panel and butt the seams tightly up against each other as the wallpaper is designed to be installed side by side, unless printed with an overlap for double-cut method (agreed upon before). Trim the exes wallpaper after installation and make sure to use a thin and new blade for each new cut. To get more detailed information on installing our commercial wallpaper, visit our Commercial Grade Type II Wallpaper page section - Commercial Grade Wallpaper Installation Instructions.
- Installed using wallpaper paste/glue;
- Glue or paste applied to the back of the wallpaper;
- Using booking method allow to rest for 10 minutes;
- Apply the commercial wallpaper starting from top;
- Make sure to apply wallpaper without an overlap as the wallpaper is designed to be installed side by side;
- Trim the exes wallpaper using a thin sharp craft knife and use a new blade for each cut.
If you are thinking - how to remove commercial wallpaper, our commercial wallpaper like our traditional and self-adhesive wallpapers, is removable in one piece, so when you need to remove the wallpaper and are ready for a new make-over, peel the wallpaper panel by panel off slowly at 90 degree angle.
We hope this blog post will help you learn more about commercial grade wallcovering and where it can be used. If you are trying to decide if you would prefer commercial grade wallpaper or residential wallpaper for your home interior project, visit our Difference Between Residential And Commercial Wallpaper blog post to learn more about the differences both wallpaper materials have.