With all of the wallpaper types and patterns available today, it is easier to give your ceiling some chic treatment by adding some pop of color and a touch of drama. Nowadays wallpaper is DIY friendlier than ever, therefore, some important tips and tricks when it comes to wallpapering especially the ceiling can be very helpful. To prepare you for your next project, here will be top tips to follow when wallpapering the ceiling for a smooth installation process and perfect result.
Prepare The Ceiling
For wallpapering ceiling, we recommend using traditional wallpaper. As installing wallpaper on the ceiling can be more difficult, using traditional wallpaper will make the process a little easier as it allows you to slide the wallpaper in position before the glue sets. However, to install wallpaper, firstly, you need to make sure that the wall surface is clean, dry, smooth, structurally sound and free of any mildew, grease or stains. Furthermore, old wallcovering must be removed together with any loose paint and any wall irregularities should be corrected. Make sure to disconnect the electricity and remove any light fixtures. To smoothen the ceiling wall, you can use a fine-grit sandpaper to sand the area and prime the ceiling for a perfect smooth result. What goes up eventually goes down, therefore, a primer not only will give the best result, but is recommended for easier wallpaper removal as well.
Mark The Position Of The First Panel

As a general rule, when wallpapering ceilings, wallpaper should be installed lenght-wise, starting at the window and ending at the opposite side of the room of your choice as hanging it otherwise could create shadows on the wallpaper surface. As ceilings are rarely straight, you will need to draw up a straight line all the way across the ceiling to make sure you cover it perfectly without leaving any unwallpapered lines. One option can be to use a laser level to draw up the line. You will then need to mark the position of the first wallpaper panel. When marking the position of the first panel and planning ahead, remember that our wallpaper is made to be installed without an overlap. In the photo above we can see a before and after example of the ceiling make-over done by Hammer + Harmony. We love how the London Metro Lines Removable Wallpaper In Black And Off White has brightened up the space and has made a wow factor feature to dazzle guests from the moment they enter the office.
Paste The Ceiling
The next stage is to paste the ceiling. Our traditional wallpaper is non-pasted and is installed using the traditional methods with wallpaper paste or glue for non-woven wallpaper. For this part you will need a brush or a roller to apply the paste or glue on the ceiling evenly. Rather than pasting the whole ceiling, make sure to paste the ceiling wall only where the first two panels will go, as the glue might dry out while you are hanging the first panels. This is also important to avoid having to paste the ceiling again and accidently create any glue or paste lumps that later can give an uneven finish. For safety reasons, make sure that the ladder is placed on a non-slip surface during all times.
Install The First Wallpaper Panel

Next step is to slide the first panel into the marked position starting from the top. As long as the first wallpaper panel is aligned with the drawn straight line, the rest of the panels will follow and match accordingly. We strongly recommend leaving half an inch on top and bottom for trimming to avoid any surprises later on if the wall is uneven at some points. As seen in the beautiful project example above done by Hammer + Harmony with the London Metro Lines Removable Wallpaper In Black And Off White, to neatly do the corners and parts under the ceiling as seen above, it is important to leave enough wallpaper on each end to afterwards match it correctly and create ideal finish lines. We understand that the process can get a little sticky, but be careful to not get any glue on the wallpaper design. If by any chance some glue gets on the design, clean it off with a sponge or a clean cloth immediately to avoid leaving any stains.
Trim The Excess Wallpaper

After you have installed the wallpaper on the whole ceiling, it is important to trim the excess wallpaper from top and bottom carefully and neatly. Make sure to use a sharp paper knife and a ruler when cutting the wallpaper to not tear the paper and cut straight lines. Afterwards using the same sharp paper knife, carefully cut out the space for your statement light fixtures while electricity is still disconnected for a perfect finish as seen in the gorgeous, eye-catching ceiling project above done by Hammer + Harmony.
We hope these tips to follow when wallpapering the ceiling will help you for an efficient preparation process and work as a guide for wallpaper installation with perfect results.